Camilla Boemio
Publications / Catalogs _ Books _ Articles _ Interviews _ Magazines_ Lectures, talks and presentations
About Me
Exibart, from 2011 - ITA
Forme Uniche, 2020 - ITA
Curator Guide, 2022 - ENG
The Dreaming Machine, from 2014 - ENG
Landscape Stories, 2011 - ITA
Les Nouveaux Riches, from 2023 - AT/ENG

Publications / Catalogs


La Biennale di Venezia. 59ª Esposizione internazionale d'arte.
The Milk of Dreams.

Cecilia Alemani (curatore).
La Biennale di Venezia 2022.
Editore: La Biennale di Venezia.
Anno edizione: 2022.
Pagine: 368 p., ill.
BrossuraEAN: 9788898727643.

Partecipating Collateral Event_ Pera + Flora + Fauna: The Story of Indigenousness and the Ownership of History.


La Biennale di Venezia 15. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura
Reporting from the Front pp. 736 con 518 ill. a col. e b/n, 1° ed. 2016
isbn: 978-88-317-2409-8

Sono sempre di più le persone sul pianeta alla ricerca di un luogo decente in cui poter vivere e le condizioni per raggiungere tale scopo si fanno di ora in ora sempre più ardue. Qualsiasi tentativo di trascendere gli aspetti commerciali incontra come sempre una forte resistenza nell'inerzia della realtà, e qualsiasi sforzo volto ad affrontare questioni importanti deve vedersela con la crescente complessità del mondo. L'architettura è guardare la realtà in chiave propositiva. REPORTING FROM THE FRONT si propone di mostrare a un pubblico più vasto cosa significa migliorare la qualità della vita mentre si lavora al limite, in circostanze difficili, affrontando sfide impellenti.

Participating country - Nigerian Pavilion
Marsilio Editore 2016

Art Project Fair / Art Verona
10° edizione
FOTOGRAFIA - Festival Internazionale di Roma. XIII edizione
A cura di Marco Delogu
edited by Quodlibet
ISBN 9788874626878
journal for politics and culture #17
reAder oF BUChArest BiennALe 6 | MAy 23 - JULy 24, 2014
Editors: Răzvan Ion & Eugen Rădescu

55th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia
Il Palazzo Enciclopedico
curated by Massimiliano Gioni

Participating countries - Maldives Pavilion pages
pp. 756 con 850 ill. a col., 1° ed.
isbn: 978-88-317-1558-4
Marsilio Editore 2013

catalogue edited by the Fair 2012
“Attitude Cinema“
catalogue edited by Miva Pesaro Festival 2012

“CITIES – visionaries places”
TAM – CA 2011

Curated by Camilla Boemio
Brian Cooper, Shaun Gladwell, Dmitry Gutov, Kiel Johnson, Jeremy Kidd, Aitor Lajarin Susan Logoreci , Johanna Laitanen, Damir Ocko, Isidro Ramirez, Spencer Tunick, Klaus Thymann, Michael Wolf

Overexposed images of different cities are summed up in the Imagination, becoming parts of our memory, mixing with everyday visions. The city is a daily challenge in which ideas become feedback, visible energy: shared thought, Art, Creativity, Openness. Roads, construction sites, factories, non-places, buildings, bridges, piers, pillars, bridges, museums entrances and secret sights, surprising or reinterpreted, in which emotions converge. The colors of the architecture merge, the day and the night, the neon light that illuminates the facades, the patchwork of contaminations, parasites, layers from top to bottom, build geometric shapes in which to play and invent memories. The urban landscape is not only formally captured but also perceptually, its dynamics and features: into excess, in the immobile, in the archi-stars exaltation or in the unfinished. Migrations and transformations are self generated in these cities. We can see them as voracious bodies which reconstruct utopias. Seductive idiosyncrasies in which the imitation, the repetition, the symbol and the sublime are reconnected to the estrangement of modern alienation. Imagine yourself in these streets, between the blocks and the buildings, portrayed as an unexpected passer-by of the filmic flow of an unstable and polymorphic scenery.
– Camilla Boemio, Curator of Cities, 2011

Catalogue edited by the MAR
Museo d'Arte Ravenna, 2010
ISBN-10: 8890531819
ISBN-13: 978-8890531811
catalogue of the Festa of Architecture of Rome edited by LAC - 2010
catalogue of the CABBAGE exhibition edit AAC 2010
The “CITIES – places visionaries”
catalogue of preview of the Festa of Architectura of Rome edited by LAC - 2009
“MNEMOSYNE – The Atlas of images”
edited by Centro Arti Visive - Pescheria , Pesaro 2009
Top page



Saun Santipreecha
Per/formative Cities, A Nest of Triptychal Performances

Exhibition Catalogue realized by Reising and Taylor Contemporary
Curated by Camilla Boemio
Presented by Reisig and Taylor Contemporary [with objet A.D]
Data di pubblicazione: 2024


Zoe' Gruni

Text: Camilla Boemio
Pubblicazione giornale: Galleria Il Ponte Firenze
Anno: 2023

Pera + Flora + Fauna
Biennale Arte 2022 - The Story of Indigenousness and the Ownership of History

Published by: PORT, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Published in conjunction with: Collateral Event of the 59th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia
Editor in Chief: Nur Hanim Khairuddin
Writers: Dr Khaled Ramadan, Dr Camilla Boemio, Annie Jael Kwan
Guest Writers: dr Serena Abdullah, Azzad Diah
ISBN: 978-967-17685-7-0

Segunda pele
Zoè Gruni

Editore: Metilene
Data di Pubblicazione: febbraio 2023
EAN: 9791281348004
ISBN: 1281348007
Pagine: 76
Formato: rilegato
Argomenti: Antropologia sociale e culturale, etnografia

The Edge of Equilibrium
La pubblicazione si compone di saggi, conversazioni e di progetti d'artista.

Publisher: Vanillaedizioni
A cura di: Camilla Boemio
Artisti: Zanny Begg, David Spero, Oliver Ressler, Carolina Caycedo, Laura Cionci, Carmina Escobar con Micaela Tobin, Homeless Collective, Mike Rogers, Susana Rodrìguez, Marco Ranieri, Maria Antonietta Scarpari, Ben Rivers.
Testi: Daniele Conversi, Camilla Boemio, Zanny Begg, Adrian Parr, David Spero, Oliver Ressler con Brandon Bauer, Carolina Caycedo, Robby Herbst con Elana Mann, Laura Cionci, Ed Gomez, Carmina Escobar con Micaela Tobin, Homeless Collective, Mike Rogers, Susana Rodrìguez, Hannah Hughes con Jamie Hamilton, Marco Ranieri, Marina Moreno, Maria Antonietta Scarpari, Irene Ranzato, Andréa Picard, e Ben Rivers.
Lingua: inglese
Data di uscita: 22 luglio 2021
ISBN: 978-88-6057-499-2

Bruno Lisi. Opere 1958-2012.

Pubblicato da: Cambiaunavirgola
Curatore: C.Boemio, F.Gallo, I.Ranzato
Testi: Camilla Boemio, Patrizia Ferri, Francesca Gallo, Francesco Moschini, Marcello Venturoli, Marisa Volpi.
Lingua: Ediz. italiana e inglese
Anno: 2022
Codice id: 9788894605310

TerraMareStelle: Carlo Gasperoni

Pubblicato da: AAC Platform
Testo: Camilla Boemio
Grafico: Gabriele Mizzoni
Anno: 2022
Lingua: Italiano
EAN-13: 9791221376463

A Casa Tutti Bene. La voce degli artisti per un diario corale.
Artista: AA.VV. (100 artisti)
Testi: AA.VV. (50 personalità del mondo dell’arte e della cultura)
Lingua: italiano

As Brilliant As the Sun
As Brilliant As the Sun, curated by Camilla Boemio with AAC Platform, reconstructs a journey into the artistic practices of California and around the city of Rome, creating a throught between two places of art united by analogies and contradictions.

Curator: Camilla Boemio
Editor: Vanillaedizioni
Artists: Dean Smith, Cody Trepte, William E. Jones, Geof Oppenheimer, Tam Van Tran, Kevin Cooley and Phillip Andrew, Lewis Jamie Hamilton with Hannah Hughes, Stephanie Syjuco, Fabio Lattanzi Antinori, Mara De Luca, Peter Halasz, Adriano Valeri, Carly Chubak, Katherine Sherwood, lsmael de Anda III, Todd Gray, Nicole Eisenman, Catherine Opie, Maria Elisa D'Andrea, Mark Todd, Sean Noyce, Scarlet Mann, Curtis Stage, Katie Shapiro, Daniela de Paulis, Amir Zaki, Jebila Okongwu, Stefano Canto, Salvatore Arancio, Ryts Monet, Marta Mancini, Ra di Martino, Ludovica Gioscia, Lapo Simeoni.
Conversations: Camilla Boemio with Tom Marioni and Sergio Lombardo.
Graphic Design: Gabriele Mizzoni.
Year: 2020
EAN: 9788860574473

ROAR is a new art.earth publication edited by Rosanna Greaves and Marina Velez. This 270-page curated book-work explores how artistic and aesthetic strategies address notions of sustainability. ROAR invited a selection of artists, curators, writers and academics to respond to broad issues around sustainability, such as the Anthropocene, ecology, land and borders, human and non-human relationships, notions of work, energy and time, and the creation and distribution of knowledge.
Contributors are: Maria Rebbeca Ballestra with Camilla Boemio / Fiona Parry / Kai Lossgott / Angelika Boeck and Uli Aigner / Michael Hrebeniak / Lisa Wilkens / Marina Velez / Rosanna Greaves and Tom Greaves / Kelcy Davenport, Nawrast Sabah, Abd Alwahab, Sally Stenton and Sarah Strachan / Stefano Cagol with M.I Franklin, Luba Kuzovnikova, Alessandro Castiglioni and Iara Boubnova.
302 pages, paperback, images and text black and white
Year: 2019
Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University. British Library. ISBN 978-0-9957196-2-0

Il Rumore del mio Silenzio. Juri Lorenzetti.
Cupra Montana 2019

Turbulence kataloh: 5th Odessa Biennale of Contemporary Art
Curator: Семен Кантор, Валерія Плєхотко, Михаил Рашковецкий
Editor: ArtHuss, 2018 / 87 pages
ISBN: 6177518516, 9786177518517

Catalogue Venice Vending Machine 7, Tate Exchange
Tate Liverpool, 2018.

"A new vision and order of world" in Scene 5.1 ( July 2017 )
Intellectbooks ( uk journals )
Scene is dedicated to a critical examination of space and scenic production. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal provides an opportunity for dynamic debate, reflection and criticism with a strong interdisciplinary focus. They welcome articles, interviews, visual essays, reports from conferences and festivals. They want to explore new critical frameworks for the scholarship of creating a scene.
ISSN: 20443714
Online ISSN: 20443722

Fuori 7. A publication realized by Galleria Gallerati Arte Contemporanea, and promoted by 06, a collective of Roman photographers. Camilla Boemio has wrote: Juliane Eirich's and Gian Luca Perrone's texts.

"The Walking Mountain" book is curated by CALAMITA/À and designed by -SYB-, it hosts the work of the photographers, urbanists, musicians and video artists that worked at Vajont. Furthermore text contributions on one side and the exclusive interviews that they realised in the years on the other, among which CALAMITA/À first Interview The Skin of Culture_Derrick De Kerckhove realize by Camilla Boemio

Inventario della Via Emilia - Barbara Rossi
Texts by Camilla Boemio, Alessandro Cambi
realize for Inventario della Via Emilia show, May 2016
Published and edited by galleria VV8 arte contemporanea.
Fotografia Europea CIRCUITO OFF

Maria Elisa D’Andrea. Nel Cerchio della Madre
Edited by: Camilla Boemio, AAC Platform
Published by Narcissus
English / Italian, Pag.80 Hardcover, 24.5 x 30.5 cm
ISBN 9786050410785

This catalogue documents the exhibition Maria Elisa D'Andrea. Nel Cerchio della Madre. (at Museo Civico Sant'Antonio 21.05. - 12.07.2015). Edited by Camilla Boemio, the catalogue features original writings by Camilla Boemio and contributions by Maria Elisa D'Andrea translated by Elizabeth L. Myers and Eleonora Ottaviani. The catalogue will also include an exhaustive photographic documentation by Catia Panciera and an apparatus of detailed descriptions of the works in the exhibition. The catalogue is published by Narcissus, it has been designed by Gabriele Mizzoni (Roma) and the editing is by AAC Platform (Roma).

Cunauta_Monica Pennazzi
Published by Gangemi, May 2015
English/Portuguese/Italian Text
Autore: Nuno Ribeiro, Camilla Boemio, Alessandro D'Ercole
ISBN13: 9788849230826 978-88-492-3082-6
ISBN10: 8849230826 88-492-3082-6
Title: Water Views: Caring and Daring - 3WDS14 - Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium 2014 - Waves, Ripples and Splashes
Editor: Suzon Fuks
Published by Igneous Incorporated, Australia, March 2015
ISBN: 978-0-9925610-0-0
BALERE / Gian Luca Perrone
curated by Camilla Boemio
2014 Risguardi Edizioni
ISBN 978-88-97287-47-6
55. International Art Exhibition, la Biennale di Venezia
Maldives Pavilion: Portable Nation
Edited by: Dorian Batycka, Camilla Boemio, Alfredo Cramerotti, Aida Eltoire
Pubblished Maretti Editore, 2014
English, Pg 176, 23x27 cm
ISBN 978 88 89477 519
Freizeitfreunde - Hobby Buddies
Ursula Sprecher & Andi Cortellini - edit by Kehrer Verlag 
Interview by Stefano Cagol with: Agrò Andruff, Ombretta; Barison, Lucia; Bartorelli,Guido; Basinska, Malgorzata; Benacchio, Alessandra; Bidner, Stefan; Boemio, Camilla; Boubnova, Iara; Bursi, Giulio; Caroppo, Giusy; Casarin, Chiara; Cramerotti, Alfredo; de la Torre, Blanca; d'Incà Levis, Gianluca; Forti, Federica; Gale, Peggy; Hartmann, Idis; Jansen, Gregor; Kuzovnikova, Luba Lu, Esther; Markulin, Mihovil; Mille-Rassokhina, Daria; Parisi, Chiara; Quinz, Emanuele; Richter, Maren; Robecchi, Michele; Simi De Burgis, Saverio; Tomasi, Maddalena & Bacci, Francesca; Üstek, Fatos; Wielebska, Kamila; Wilcox, Eric M.; Yap, June; Zamudio, Raul
Tokyospace, 2013
64 pages, 11 x 16 cm, Language: English
ISBN 978–88–902879–6–1
book edited by LANDSCAPE Stories – ‘TEENS ForEver‘ text 2012
“Before the Crash"
International publication edited by Simpleware, Exeter University and the ISWA European Project Research & Innovation, Exeter group show (critical text and interviews to Ludwika Ogorzelec and Mat Chivers ). 2011
International publication edited by the Politecnico of Marche University and the ISWA European Project Research & Innovation – Science in Society – Potential and Horizon 2011 – 2012
Top page


Exibart Magazine
Made in Russia
Ludovica Gioscia, Arturo and the vertical sea - Baert Gallery
24 gennaio 2021
ROMAISON di moda e cinema: intervista a Clara Tosi Pamphili
16 novembre 2020
Due ritratti degli Stati Uniti alla Haus der Photographie
7 ottobre 2020
The Dreaming Machine
Prima Il Punto. Christine Maigne. Interviewed by Camilla Boemio
November 29, 2020
Hybrid Archipelago » Intervista a Dimitri D’Ippolito
Pubblicato 24 Febbraio 2021
Hybrid Archipelago » Intervista ad Alba Zari
Pubblicato 29 Gennaio 2021
Hybrid Archipelago » Intervista a Marco Ranieri Pubblicato
26 Dicembre 2020
HYBRID ARCHIPELAGO » Conversazione con Simona Luchian di Camilla Boemio
Pubblicato 27 Novembre 2020
HYBRID ARCHIPELAGO » Conversazione con Andrea Zucchini di Camilla Boemio
Pubblicato 30 Ottobre 2020
Hybrid Archipelago: conversazione con Pier Alfeo
Pubblicato 28 Giugno 2020
Hybrid Archipelago: conversazione con Alessia Rollo
Pubblicato 26 aprile 2020
ISIT.magazine BLOGGY
a conversation with Jérôme Chazeix
> INTERVIEW | by Camilla Boemio | 11 Lug 2020
HYBRID ARCHIPELAGO » Conversazione con Pier Alfeo di Camilla Boemio
Pubblicato 29 Giugno 2020
HYBRID ARCHIPELAGO » Conversazione con Raffaella Crispino
Pubblicato 29 Maggio 2020
HYBRID ARCHIPELAGO » Conversazione con Alessia Rollo
Pubblicato 27 Aprile 2020
HYBRID ARCHIPELAGO » Conversazione con Marco Giordano
Pubblicato 27 Marzo 2020
2 Giugno 2020. La città emancipata. Progetti d'arte urbana in pandemia.
20 Aprile 2020. Claudia Andujar e gli Yanomami alla Fondation Cartier. di Livia De Leoni e Camilla Boemio.
HYBRID ARCHIPELAGO » Conversazione con Adriano Valeri di Camilla Boemio
Pubblicato 28 Febbraio 2020
HYBRID ARCHIPELAGO » Conversazione con Zoé Gruni di Camilla Boemio
Pubblicato 29 Gennaio 2020
11 Marzo 2020. Al via la 22ma Biennale di Sydney.
27 Febbraio 2020. Tra poetica e politica: Joan Jonas e Rosana Antolí per l'Art Week di Madrid.
14 Dicembre 2019. Opening. “Le nuove frontiere del contemporaneo” alla Fondazione Coppola, Vicenza.
16 Luglio 2019. CURATORIAL PRACTICES. La necessità dell'esperienza oltre l'istituzione. Per una ventata d'arte fresca. Una conversazione con Juliana Engberg.
16 Luglio 2019. Il trend migrante della moda. Reinvenzione e sostenibilità del fashion, che nasce dall'acqua del Mediterraneo. Ad ALTAROMA si indaga il luogo nel quale prende forma il nuovo stile.
8 Aprile 2019. CURATORIAL PRACTICES. Veniamo tutti da qualche parte; la Tate Exchange di Liverpool ce lo ricorda. Intervista a Marina Moreno.
13 Marzo 2019. Independent Collections. Il valore aggiunto nella Collezione Valentini.
30 Gennaio 2019. Moda. Una vertigine ci salverà. di Camilla Boemio
17 Gennaio 2019. CURATORIAL PRACTICES. Le vittime del sistema dell'arte: intervista a Jörg Heiser
13 Dicembre 2018. Independent Collections. Tour tra il Rossini Art Site e la Fondazione Pietro e Alberto Rossini, in Brianza.
15 Ottobre 2018. Independent Collections. Una nuova rubrica per scoprire, da un capo all'altro d'Italia, chi sono i collezionisti del Belpaese, cosa comprano, e perché. di Camilla Boemio
11 Luglio 2018. Rubrica Curatori. Liberare l'espressione artistica. Una conversazione con Marc Zegans
3 Luglio 2019. Altre Città. Fino al 14.VII.2018 Richard Patterson e Ged Quinn Galleria Mucciaccia, Roma
8 Giugno 2018. Curatorial Practices Adrian Parr. La politica radicale ambientalista. Una conversazione con Adrian Parr. di Camilla Boemio
20 Aprile 2018. Curatorial Practices Marco Scotini. L'esistenza Nomade. Intervista a Marco Scotini, partendo dalla prossima Biennale di Yinchuan
17 Gennaio 2018. Pratiche Curatoriali. L'economia della conoscenza in metamorfosi. Una conversazione con Warren Neidich
The Dreaming Machine - Issue 1
A POSTPONEMENT OBSOLESCENCE: Miyoshi Barosh Interview Conducted by Camilla Boemio
Exibart - Curatorial Practices curated by Camilla Boemio
05/12/2017 Il Mormorio della moltitudine artistica, nella Biennale degli Urali. Parola al curatore Dmitrii Bezouglov
19/11/2017 Hämatli & Patriae: intervista a Nicolò Degiorgis che al Museion di Bolzano continua la sua ricerca intorno ai concetti di migrazione e identità
Frontiere news
Afasia Del Dubbio, L’inconoscibilità Della Realtà (Camilla Boemio)
Exibart - Curatorial Practices curated by Camilla Boemio
07/10/2017 Quando un'opera d'arte è “populista”? Intervisa a Marco Baravalle
23/07/2017 L’immaginario colonizzato, tra storia, rifugiati e social media. Una conversazione con il filosofo Brad Evans
La Macchina Sognante_ numero 7
Una reazione contro – A backlash against / an evocation of a step-by-step revolution (Camilla Boemio)
Exibart - Curatorial Practices curated by Camilla Boemio
20/06/2017 Dal Van Abbemuseum di Eindhoven incontro con Steven ten Thije. Per un museo che sia parte della “res publica”
06/06/2017 Alberto Di Fabio e Kepa Garraza, Oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio. Accademia Reale di Spagna, Roma
Exibart - Curatorial Practices curated by Camilla Boemio
10/05/2017 Una visione consapevole del mondo, tra conflitti e integrazione. Dalla Biennale parla Rikke L. Jørgensen
10/04/2017 Il cervello Idiota, forse. Conversazione con Dean Burnett, per capire come la mente si approccia all'attualità e all'arte
29/03/2017 Oltre il muro. Corpo, gender, sessualità e arte. Parla David J. Getsy
29/02/2017 London Calling. Ma l’Italia non è da buttare via. Una conversazione di Camilla Boemio con Francesco Dama
23/01/2017 L’arte all’epoca della post democrazia. Intervista a Lanfranco Aceti
Exibart - Curatorial Practices curated by Camilla Boemio
01/02/2017 La Quadriennale ancora protagonista. Il dibattito sulla ricerca dell’arte contemporanea in una conversazione con Simone Frangi
06/12/2016 Ma come è Miami, oltre la fiera? Ce lo racconta una che il sistema dell’arte di Miami (e non solo) lo conosce bene. A partire dal Bass Museum che Cubiñá dirige e che riapre presto
01/02/2017 Gli Occhi sulla Quadriennale. Conversazione di Camilla Boemio con Luca Lo Pinto
19/10/2016 Nuove prospettive, oltre le arti visive
Exibart - Curatorial Practises section curated by Camilla Boemio
22/09/2016 Arte come ascolto. Una conversazione con Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk
Exibart News_pubblicato domenica 9 ottobre 2016 / Dieci anni in una collezione. L'ICA di Boston, nel suo avamposto firmato da Diller Scofidio + Renfro, mette in scena i suoi tesori
Exibart News_pubblicato domenica 2 ottobre 2016 / La rabbia, la crisi, l'evoluzione sociale e le buone pratiche dell'arte, in una biennale a metà tra conferenza e spettacolo: ecco "The Social", a Boston
Keen on Concrete _ Issue 3
Guest Contributor
"The story of concrete is hardly a romance. The Berlin Wall, the border barrier surrounding the Gaza Strip, the bunkers that remain as a legacy of the war. Concrete is a politically loaded material and a symbol of power — which is why it provides ample space for critical engagements. This much, though, stands firm: we are keen on concrete!" — Sabrina Möller, Head Editor of Keen on Magazine
Exibart - Curatorial Practises section curated by Camilla Boemio
20/07/2016 Street Art/Parla BR1
21/06/2016 L’intervista/Alexander Ponomarev
Exibart - Curatorial Practises section curated by Camilla Boemio
09/05/16 Le responsabilità delle istituzioni nel fraintendimento dell’arte Incontro con Nadim Samman
Exibart - Curatorial Practises section curated by Camilla Boemio
08/02/2016 È tempo di Africa. La parola a Bisi Silva
21/01/2016 Le donne sono l’essenza più rappresentativa e brillante dell’arte. Parola di David Gryn
24/12/2015 Incontro con Hitoshi Nakano, curatore del padiglione giapponese all’ultima Biennale di Venezia
24/11/2015 Little Constellation
Exibart - Curatorial Practises section curated by Camilla Boemio
30/10/2015 A tu per tu con Franklin Sirmans, che ci anticipa come sarà il Pérez Art Museum di Miami di cui è direttore 01/10/2015 La Post Autonomy di David Goldenberg
Exibart - Curatorial Practises section curated by Camilla Boemio
06/07/2015 Jonatan Habib Engqvist: Vi spiego che cosa è la visione a tunnel. E come uscirne
01/06/2015 Curare il museo. Parla Fabio Cavallucci
22/05/2015 Partire dal locale per accedere a una forma internazionale dell’arte è la proposta del curatore Aaron Moulton.
08/04/2015 Incontro con Ambra Stazzone. L’influenza di Harald Szeemann sulle attuali pratiche curatoriali
Exibart - Curatorial Practises section curated by Camilla Boemio
03/2015 Incontro con Alfredo Cramerotti. La Partecipazione nella zona autonoma temporanea
02/2015 T.J.Demos La capacità della pratica artistica di inventare strategie sperimentali
02/2015 Il secondo appuntamento analizza le pratiche curatoriali nel sud della California con Michael Ned Holte
01/ 2015 Una rubrica che indaga un lavoro molto attuale e discusso. A inaugurarla è il filosofo Mario Perniola
PIZZA Magazine - The Clubbing Issue 7 September 2014
Dancing! Gian Luca Perrone
Exibart.com - L’intervista / Juan A. Gaitán
Vi racconto la mia Biennale. E dove va il mondo dell'arte
DIGICULT - Digicult Art, design and culture
2014 Water World Day Symposium. Water as Global Connection
Gianpaolo Arena. My Vietnam
F4 / un’idea di fotografia - Fondazione Francesco Fabbri
Gente di Fotografia #55
Catherine Opie American portrait
Pizza Magazine – Issue 5 February 2013
Viaggio in Riviera
Luisa Zanzani, Adria
Gente di Fotografia #54
Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk text
Exibart Magazine – November 2011
Maramotti Collection ‘The Poverty of Riches‘ Max Mara Art Prize for Women
Exibart Magazine – October 2011
“Focus Young Art in LA and in the South of California“
Gente di Fotografia – 52# number
Ursula Sprecher & Andi Cortellini text
Gente di Fotografia – 51# number 2011
Isidro Ramirez text
Exibart Magazine – June 2011 “Elogio del Dubbio“
Punta della Dogana and Palazzo Grassi group show of the Pinault Foundation article and interviews to the curator of the group show and Thomas Houseago
Gente di Fotografia – #50 number 2010
David Stewart text and Michael Wolf text
Il Sole 24 Ore – October 2010 “ Visita alle Biennali d’arte da Liverpool alla Corea a caccia di giovani talenti“
(About the Biennals of San Paolo – Liverpool – Gwangju 2010)
Studjia – June 2010 “Sensational Architecture” text
Equipéco number 22 – CITIES text
Equipéco number 21 – Mnemosyne the Atlas of Images text
Top page


10/15 Lucrezia De Domizio Durini Harald Szeemann, the Visionary. Interview by Camilla Boemio for CALAMITA/À
LANDSCAPE Stories - Sascha Weidner “The Perfect Moment” 09/2014
Derrick De Kerckhove - The Skin of Culture
Interview by Camilla Boemio for CALAMITA/À
LANDSCAPE Stories - Axel Hütte “A Dynamically Sublime” 05/2014
LANDSCAPE Stories - Judith Joy Ross “People Portraits” 12/2013
LANDSCAPE Stories - Lewis Bush “Vietnam Deprimed" 09/2013
LANDSCAPE Stories - Dan Holdsworth “A Sublime perception” 05/2013
LANDSCAPE Stories - Catherine Opie ‘Americal Cities‘ 03/2013
LANDSCAPE Stories - Luigi Presicce ‘Magical and Mistery’ 11/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Lisa Sarfati ‘She’ 08/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - David Stewart ‘Teeenage Pre-occupation’ 08/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Hiroshi Watanabe ‘Ideology in Paradise’ 08/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Richard Kern ‘Pressing the shutter’ 08/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Ravi Agarwal ‘Down and Out, labouring under globalization’ 06/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Scanderbeg Sauer Photography ‘Beauty in mess’ 06/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Zackary Drucker 'Distance is where the heart is…’ 02/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Nicolas Wilmouth ‘Le Beau et la Forme’ 02/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Kim Boske ‘I go walking in your landscape’ 02/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Elana Mann ‘Women in Black’ 02/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Yoshihiko Ueda ‘Quinault’ 02/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Zuijderwijk/Vergouwe ‘Vanishing Landscapes’ 02/2012
LANDSCAPE Stories - Eva Leitolf ‘Postcards from Europe’ 12/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Alec Soth ‘Dog Days, Bogotà’ 11/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Taryn Simon ‘Contraband’ 11/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Jill Greenberg ‘Monkey Portraits’ 11/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Chi Peng ‘Mood Is Never Better Than Memory’ 11/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Dan Burn Forti ‘Animals’ 09/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Danielle Van Ark ‘The Mounted Life’ 09/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Scarlett Hoolf Graafland ‘Soft Horizon’ 09/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Justin Cooper ‘Saved by Science’ 09/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk ‘The Andromeda Strain’ 09/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Almagul Menlibaveva ‘A memory of the Centaur’ 06/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Spencer Tunick ‘A Sensational Architecture’ 06/2011
LANDSCAPE Stories - Georg Parthen ‘Assumptions about reality’ 04/2011
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Startup Digital Magazine_Contemporary art & sociology Issue 02_October 2016
Delivering obsolescence. Art Bank, Data Bank, Food Bank
MOMA Voice Magazine #27 Something Changed
Andrea Carrer
curated by Camilla Boemio
designed by Gabriele Mizzoni
with AAC Platform
Inventario della Via Emilia - Barbara Rossi
Camilla Boemio's text
Progetto Off Fotografia Europea 016 Reggio Emilia
MOMA Voice Magazine #25 ALONE TOGETHER
An art story with Marc Trujillo
curated by Camilla Boemio
designed by Gabriele Mizzoni
with AAC Platform
CALAMITA/À produced a newspaper with exclusive interviews that will be shown during ALT + 1000
09/14 Derrick De Kerckhove The Skin of Culture realize by Camilla Boemio
759, A road into a memory - GianLuca Perrone text
GUARDIANS - Marina Caneve text at SI Fest 23^ edizione
Maria Elisa D' Andrea's text at Biennale China Italia
100x100=900 Project Catalogue - Edit by Magmart Festival 
MOMA Voice Magazine #22 / Material - Alisia Cruciani curated by Camilla Boemio
MOMA Voice Magazine #18 / Metropolis - Martina Magno curated by Camilla Boemio
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Lectures, talks and presentations


Yale Radio_ Praxis Center for Aesthetic Studies
Camilla Boemio_ Biennials_ an Aesthetics on move Lecture
on Facebook live video

Camilla Boemio will partecipate in “51zero/festival 2017 – DECREATION”, an International festival of moving image and digital art launches its 3rd edition in North Kent.
The festival closes with a discussion and a supper inspired by the Tavola Aperta event at the Venice Biennale. Lead by David Goldenberg the concluding talk invites international curators and writers, critics and theorists, artists and the public to examine the ideas informed by the script produced with the audience as a response to the festival. A closing discussion will shape a program of art for the Medway area.

Yale Radio_ Praxis Center for Aesthetic Studies
Camilla Boemio_ Lecture On working with nonprofit organizations in Europe Facebook live video

Camilla Boemio and Fabrizio Orsini // A New Order - A Machine After Leonardo for BALANCE-UNBALANCE 2017 (panel)

The theme of BunB 2017 is “A Sense of Place”. The 6th edition of the BunB conference is from August 21 to 23 of 2017 in Plymouth, UK. Produced by i-DAT in collaboration with the Sustainable Earth Institute and Art and Sound at Plymouth University, BunB17 is being produced in collaboration with the North Devon’s UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Beaford Arts and Fulldome UK.

Art Works: The Art of Management and Organization (panel)

TransCultural Exchange’s 2018 International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts: Exploring New Horizons, February 24-26, 2018. A new world awaits.
Location: Québec City, Canada - the 2016 Culture City of the Year.


POSTCARDS FROM THE ANTHROPOCENE: Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation
University of Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

The parallel exhibition featured artwork from varous participants: as Camilla Boemio.
If the emergence of the Anthropocene implies an epistemological shift, how might this transform the way we think about representation and, more specifically, its geopolitics? What kinds of representations carry significant material, metaphorical and methodological implications for this question, and can help us to ‘situate’ ourselves – if that is a still viable term – in our new conditions of groundlessness and scalelessness?This symposium proposes to explore this through the motif of ‘Postcards from the Anthropocene’. On the other hand, they might open up new streams of speculative and creative geopolitical imaginaries and forms of collective subjectivities that recalibrate existing value systems and indicate alternatives.

The Renewable Futures Conference aims to invent new avenues for more sustainable and imaginative future developments. This second edition will focus on and push the boundaries of our thinking about economy.
The two-day conference is part of Economia festival, and organized by Baltan Laboratories. It will take place in Natlab, the former physics lab of Philips, in Eindhoven (NL) on 28-29 April, 2017. The Renewable Futures program aims to invent new avenues for more sustainable and imaginative future developments. The program is led by The Centre for New Media Culture RIXC (Latvia) and supported by the EU program Creative Europe.

CAMILLA BOEMIO // “A Hybrid Archipelago” lecture, Panel 11 – Parallel Session (Post-society and Financial Exsanguination track), 4th International Association for Visual Culture Biennial Conference THE SOCIAL, Boston University College of General Studies
THE SOCIAL – the IAVC conference at Boston University. The conference was supported by OCR, the Museum of Contemporary Cuts, the Boston University Center for the Humanities and Arts Administration @ Boston University. Date: 29 Sept_ 1 Oct, 2016

BEYOND LUXURY – GLOBAL DIALOGUE, MAY 26TH Private Garden behind the Danish Pavilion in Giardini at 15th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia

Moderator: Rasmus Rune Nielsen, creative director at the Danish Architecture Centre Invited panelists: Charles Bessard, Powerhouse, Søren Rasmussen, ONV , Camilla Boemio, writer, consultant & curator. Curator at Nigeria’s Pavilion , Natalie Mossin, Architect and chairman of the Danish Architects Association
The very privileged point of departure, we propose an agenda for moving beyond luxury. This is not to say that we want to replace our current wealth with a heroic amount of guilt. Nor do we believe in a ‘less-is-more society’. We suggest that we move forward on another track – not backwards. And we do not subscribe to any false nostalgia of noble poverty. Beyond Luxury is a call for a new understanding of the relation between wealth, consumption and well-being. It is about time that we discussed how architecture and urbanism can promote a new understanding of quality of life. Architecture as something more than just the excessive use of resources.

Camilla Boemio in conversation with Olaf Otto Becker at http://www.egh.guro
WaterWheel_Water Works
A final large event organised by the current Waterwheel team of Suzon Fuks, Inkahoots, and Igneous, March 2016 in Brisbane, Australia; with several lecture and web exhibitions as that curated by Camilla Boemio: VERTIGO _Power Of Water with artists Edith Beaucage, Barbara Rossi, Sascha Weidner, Shaun Gladwell and Marco G.Ferrari.
“Be-diversity” Platform at MUSE
The temporary exhibition of contemporary art "Be-diversity. A mental attitude on differences, beyond biodiversity" at MUSE Science Museum of Trento until September 30th curated by Stefano Cagol presents a series of meetings open to the public with important guests. 26th August Lecture of : Marianne Franklin (Professor of Global Media and Politics, Goldsmiths, UK), Camilla Boemio (curator, IT)
BEYOND EVIDENCE talk at QUAD museum, Derby – An incomplete narratology of photographic truths FORMAT15 presented an interdisciplinary conference at QUAD that takes as its starting point the main festival theme of ‘Evidence’. Each of the selected speakers – a number of whom are exhibiting work as part of FORMAT 15, with others selected from an open call for papers – have explored the multi-faceted ways in which ‘Evidence’ can be gathered, examined, re-contextualised and disseminated. The conference day has featured talks by key invited speakers, panel discussions, PechaKucha sessions, was culminating with a plenary.
The conference cover work encompassing photography, moving image and the use of existing archives, teasing out further themes relating to the main Festival theme, such as: ‘the Political’; ‘Authenticity’, ‘Landscape’ and ‘Science’. The conference was presented in collaboration with QUAD, the University of Derby and the Digital and Material Arts Research Centre, University of Derby.
Apprehension.Global Society and Contemporary Art on the Twitter Generation. Symposium curated by Camilla Boemio, a Parallel Event, at 6th Bucharest Biennale
"Balere" book talk, a Parallel Event, at 50th Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema Film Festival di Pesaro ( 23th - 25th June 2014 ) with Camilla Boemio and GianLuca Perrone
A social environment evolving like a heavenly body / 2014 - a  lecture at Estman Radio Podcast a project by Marinella Senatore launched at Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
During Marinella Senatore's exhibition «Public Secrets» at the Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen (1 February – 13 April 2014) 
"Hybrid Cartographies" section talks curated by Camilla Boemio, at Water Wheel Symposium 2014, Brisbane Australia. It pointed out an international description of an art research around water in a politic, economic, scientific, memory vision with the intervention of the Australian artists/teachers Josephine Starrs and Leon Cmielewski, the California artist McLean Fahnestock, Allan Sekula and Ursula Biemann.
On the occasion of the 55. International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale Maretti Editore is pleased to present the official catalog of theMaldives Pavilion: Portable Nation at Arte Fiera 2014.
Curated by CPS - Chamber of Public Secrets, Portable Nation has become a platform for supporters of the environment, artists and thinkers. Central subjects of art catalog are: culture, nature as a source of aesthetic experience and the contemporary environmental romance.
Speakers: Camilla Boemio - University consultant, art critic and Associate Curator of the Maldives Pavilion, Stefano Cagol - invited artist, Maria Paola Poponi - moderator to the publishing house.
From the Indian Ocean to the Adriatic and from the Maldives to the Marche 
Venue UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle Marche 
Curated by Camilla Boemio
Parallel Event of Maldives Pavilion at 55th Venice Biennale
Ravi Agarwal, Camilla Boemio and Khoj International artists Associations workshops 
Re - Territorializing Ecologies
(New Dehli, 2013)
Parallel Event of Maldives Pavilion at 55th Venice Biennale
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